Lord Krishna grew up in gokul as a gopala, the protector of cows. Krishna as a child used to be extremely playful, mischievous and charming. There are legends of Krishna’s endeavour with his friends as a child to steal butter. Krishna also is revered as a young boy playing flute or a young man with his beloved Radha or as a statesman giving direction and guidance as in Bhagvata Gita. Krishna is considered as the parambrahman, the Supreme Being.
Suggested Placement:The main entrance or the corner of your living room or in your courtyard.
Note: Carved out of black stone this sculpture can be adorned in the courtyard or the corridor.
Only a few gods around the globe are portrayed as beautifully (Manohara in Sanskrit) as Lord Krishna, the Hindu god, known with various perspectives: a god-child, a prankster, a model lover, a divine hero, and the Supreme Being. He has been recreated in various avatar by artisans through centuries, and they have passed on their expertise to generations who have tediously preserved his image as an attractive god with the flute ever present and a cow often nigh. In this sculpture too, the essential elements are all there, but what makes it stand out is the striking expression on his face and his posture, which redefines the beauty in a man.
Suggested Placement: The main entrance or the corner of your living room or in your courtyard
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e. hand crafted exclusively for you either in
stone or in wood in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
Collectively known within Hinduism as the combination of both the feminine as well as the masculine aspects of the supreme being, this sculpture of Radha and Krishna captures the eternal romance of the couple. Since thousands of years, poets and writers have been fascinated by their enchanting passion and with craftsmanship that has been passed on since centuries; the sculpture in its full glory is a sight to behold. The detailing, especially their expressions, clearly indicate their eternal intimacy, and in black stone, the demeanor of their romance comes alive in a contrastingly lucid manner. The sculpture is a classic example of how everlasting love (Priti in Sanskrit) can be carved.
Suggested Placement: The courtyard or the entrance.
Note: With respect to size, the statue can be custom made -- hand sculpted over a specific time frame.
Artist : Rabi Sahoo