It is said that Goddess Parvati herself brought Lord Ganesha into being. She shaped him out of some turmeric powder and breathed life into him. She then asked him to guard the doors for her while she went for a bath. Meanwhile, Lord Shiva returned home and was furious when he was stopped by a little boy he didn't know. Unaware of Parvati's creation, he chopped off the head of the boy. When he realized his mistake, he managed to fix an elephant's head to the boy and brought him back to life and that is how Lord Ganesha came into being. Bring in this blackstone sculpture of goddess Uma's son and spread the vibes of peace and wisdom. Keep it as a decorative piece or place it in your pooja room, this one is sure to attract attention.
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e., handcrafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
Dimensions: 36"x20"x10".
Culture: India.
Medium: Blackstone.
Suggested Placement: In your pooja room or main hall.
Weight: 75 Kgs.
Product Code: actabslglt-22.
The snake with Ganesha represents the divine energy that infuses all living forms.At times, the snake is shown around Ganesha’s neck. Here, it represents kundalini, the coil of psychic energy that lies at the base of our spine. Carved out of chalk stone with all its fine details, this 10’’ tall sclupture is testimony to a rare artisanship of the distant past that has been kept alive by a group of extremley skilled artisans.Ganesha or the elephant god is worshiped world over as the destroyer of evil and bestower of prosperity.
Suggested Placement:This sculpture in all its glory can be entrenched at the main entrance or the corner of your living room or in your courtyard.
Note: In respect to size, all statues can be custom made i.e. hand sculpted over a specific time frame.
Panchamukhi (five faced) Ganesha, a highly revered god among Hindus in India. It shows the lord having five faces which is an embodiment of all potencies - the flesh body made of matter, the energy body, the mental body, the body of the upper consciousness, and the body of cosmic bliss (Ananda in Sanskrit). This form brings auspicious vibrations of spirituality, harmony and bliss.
Making of the Painting - World famous for its Pattachitra painters, who make paintings over a piece of cloth known as Patta or a dried palm leaf, Raghurajpur is a heritage crafts village in Puri district, Odisha, India. Depicting the art form which dates back to 5 BC.
Note: This painting in all its grandeur can be customized over a specific time frame.
This pattachitra or painting on canvas using natural colors depict Ganesha the destroyer of obstacles and Lakshmi , the goddess of wealth, fortune, and prosperity (both material and spiritual) together. Most hindus consider it auspicious to worship goddess Lakshmi and lord Ganesha on the day of Diwali as it is considered that Goddess Lakshmi visits every house and blesses all with wealth.
Note: These paintings in their true form can be customized as well.